In September, more than 20 Alaska State Troopers raided an American Samoan community in Whittier, Alaska to investigate their “immigration status” and allegations of voter fraud. The raid came less than a month after Anchorage police shot and killed a 16-year old girl, who had recently moved to Alaska from American Samoa. 

Ia Setema, e silia ma le 20 leleo State Troopers o Alaska na osofa’ia se alalafaga o tagata Amerika Samoa i Whittier, Alaska e su’esu’e a latou “tulaga nofomau” ma tu’uaiga o le palota fa’asolitulafono. Na tula’i mai le osofa’iga lea ae le’i atoa se masina talu ona fanaina ma fasiotia e leleo a Anchorage se teine 16 tausaga le matua e le fa’ato’a omai i Alaska mai Amerika Samoa.


American Samoans are the only people born on U.S. soil who the federal government does not automatically recognized as U.S. citizens. People born in Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands are recognized as U.S. citizens at birth, so if they move to a state they can immediately vote

We’d like to hear your thoughts about how American Samoans are being criminally targeted in Alaska simply because of where they were born. 

Right to Democracy is a non-profit that works to advance democracy, equity, and self-determination in U.S. territories. 

Have questions or want to get in touch? Contact us at [email protected]

Note: All personal information will be kept confidential. 

Ua na o tagata Amerika Samoa lava na fananau i laufanua o Amerika e le aloaiaina e le malo tele o ni sitiseni o le Iunaite Sitete. O tagata na fananau i Kuaegi uam, le atu Mariana, Poto Riko, ma le atu Venisia o lo’o aloaiaina lo latou citiseni Amerika ina ua fananau mai, o lea la e mafai ai ona latou palota pe a nonofo i so’o se sitete o Amerika.

Matou te fia fa’alogo i o outou manatu e uiga i le lamatiaina fa’asolitulafono o tatou tagata Amerika Samoa i Alaska ona o le nofoaga na fananau mai ai.

O le Right to Democracy o se fa’alapotopotoga o lo’o galulue e u’una’i aia tatau fa’atemakalasi, ma aia tutusa o
tagata Amerika uma, ma aia o teritori Amerika i o latou lava fa’aiugafai-fa’afaigamalo.

Fa’aaliga: O fa’amatalaga uma e tusitusia i lalo, e fa’asaina ona fa’alauiloa. 

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